Saturday 7 June 2008

The Beano - Special Collectors Edition

Blimey, good timing or what?

Post the Ken Reid piece, go off to Adsda - and this is sitting thereamongst the childrens comics.

Because of that, i was expecting a fluff piece but, even with it being image-heavy, what text there is is suprisingly informative. And doesn't stint of the contribution the comic on the propaganda front during the war.

As i say, its heavy on the images - and what images!

Reproductions of all the major strips through the 40's and 50's, appreciations of Leo Baxendale and Ken Reid, and, favourite of all, some of the adventure strips.

Sadly, General Jumbo only gets a one panel reproduction, but we do get a complete first episode of Billy The Cat. Boy, what a Spidey rip-off - nerdy hero living with his aunty, having an alternative hero life at night. Never realised it was so blatent.

It cost £4.99 and is well worth seeking out. Go get it

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